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Hello, my name is Maisia. I'm CMT&Esthetician...
Having my own practice have been a dream of mine since I decided to go back to school to pursue my Esthetician License in 2015. My passion is to help clients increase their range of motion, and decrease their pain. I value exceptional pain management and take great pride in massages, & skincare.
My specialties are Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue and Thai massage. My passion and goals are to help clients increase their range of motion and decrease their pain to live a healthier and free lifestyle.
Associate of Occupational Studies Degree in
Advanced Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
(Bryan College, Gold River, CA) August of 2008
State Certified Massage Therapist # 17180
Certificate of Esthetics
(My Le's Beauty College, Sacramento, CA) July of 2015
License Esthetician # Z11087
9 years working with Sacramento Best Of Spa
2 years working under Chiropractor
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